Retreats For Energy and Emotional Healing
With Jon Terrell, M.A. and associates


How can you break free from relationship conflicts,
find emotional healing, and reconnect to your aliveness, wellness, and love?

Is it possible to tap into true healing
and find deep peace?

While personal growth is a lifelong process, people come to our weekends to take a giant step towards emotional healing and awakening their hearts and minds. At the right kind of event, rapid, real change is possible that simply can't happen otherwise.

Our retreats are for those ready to break free of old, stuck emotional patterns and behaviors no longer working. For many, it is to transform feelings, especially grief, anger, and fear.

We focus on emotional healing. Stuck emotions can be a primary cause of depression, negativity, emotional outbursts, and anxiety.

Clients report dramatic, life-changing breakthroughs. Take a look at our Testimonial Page.

In a safe, loving, small group environment, away from our everyday life, we can connect with the core feelings and beliefs that hold us back. We can transform our old story into a new one.

"The heart that breaks open can contain the whole universe."
--Joanna Rogers Macy

Emotional Healing

Grief, Loss And Other Difficult Emotions 

Many of us have experienced loss: of a loved one or ones, of a dream, of a relationship, etc. Others carry around a lot of little losses that deplete their lives of vitality and meaning. When we don't deal with past losses. we can end up depressed, anxious, unfocused, and unable to live in the present. This retreat can help.

We create a loving environment to explore loss, sadness, hurt, anger, and whatever unexpressed feelings from the past that we may be stuck in. It is offered in western Massachusetts, Florida, in the winter and occasionally in California. An extended version of this retreat, offered in the summer, is called Breaking Free To Emotional Wellness. For more information, go to Grief And Loss And Other Difficult Emotions Retreat.

Energy Healing

Journey of Awakening 

Get away from it all to come back to this precious moment. Learn all about life energy--how you can use it for internal healing, working with others and awakening to your actual design as a being of love and light. This is an intensive journey into the healing power of Inner Light Fire (Agni Yoga Mediation) and energy healing, taught by a pioneer in energy medicine. This workshop is offered about once a year. To find out more, click here.

Into the Heart of Healing–Awakening to Inner Light

Learn how to use Agni Yoga Meditation (Inner Light-Fire) to accelerate healing and awakening. Cleanse body and mind with a time tested, grounded approach designed for the modern western mindset. Offered once a year. For the full description. click here.

If you have questions about our programs, leave Jon Terrell message using the form at the bottom of this page. Jon is a psychotherapist, meditation teacher, and energy healer. He resides in western Massachusetts.

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