Star Dance Ranch

holding flower

Star Dance Ranch, in western Massachusetts, is the main location of our Retreats.

green man on tree
Star Dance Ranch
Star Dance backyard

It is also the home of Jon Terrell, M.A.. Its quiet, semi-rural location supports the deep emotional healing and awakening work we provide.

It's not really a ranch in the sense that we don't have cattle or cowboys but it does have an away-from-it-all feel that can be comforting and relaxing.

pathway at Star Dance Ranch
Ritual Candle Ceremonial Bowl

It has a 400 square foot new addition, build in 2013, where most of the retreat work is provided. Star Dance Ranch can accommodate up to 12 participants and 8-9 for overnight. Some participants prefer more privacy or need more privacy because they snore, and choose to stay at one of the local motels as long as they agree to be at the ranch for all retreat activities.

Floor Seating
Star Dance room
Star Dance Room 2
Star Dance Living Room

The main house is an old farmhouse with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, plus an office where participants can stay.

For each retreat, the upstairs bedrooms are divided into separate sleeping spaces for guests.

These mini, semi-private rooms are individually designed.

Woman's Dorm Space
Dorm Bed
Dorm bed
Dorm bed

At Star Dance Ranch participants slow down and open up to their own unique life journey, their own life process. All are encouraged to "say yes" to all their feelings, so they can live more fully and embrace the full spectrum of their lives.

We even have a flag to remind us:

Our Flag Trust The Process

There is a beautiful old barn.

Across the street are open farmlands.

Star Dance Ranch is 1 hour north of Bradley International Airport, 2 hours west of Boston and 3 hours north of New York City.

Star Dance Barn
Star Dance Medicine Wheel
West flag

Star Dance Ranch is a casual environment and a cozy home, perfectly suited to our deep healing work.

Waterfall fountain
Wise Child Outdoor Sculpture

For more information about Star Dance Ranch, contact Jon using the form below.

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